Grasscloth wallpaper

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT – Grasscloth wallpaper.

If you’re looking for a wallpaper that can make an impact don’t look further.

Grasscloth wallpaper adds natural texture, color and a dash of sophistication to the room.

Crafted from environmentally sustainable materials such as jute, hemp, seagrass & raffia.
It’s a unique product that is very much sustainable and stunning. 

Fabrizio Casiraghi
A little bit of history
Grasscloth wallpaper that we know and love today is nothing new, in fact it is one of the oldest wall coverings around.

It originated in Asia, silk was used during the early days of wall covering, but grasscloth was far cheaper to produce with. 

For that reason it quickly grew in popularity.
A little fact that will probably blow your mind, the materials and manufacturing process of it is very much still the same.

Proving to us that sometimes the old artisan way is the best.
All things we love about grasscloth
Grasscloth truly makes an impact and adds some sophistication to the room.
Since it’s made from natural fibers they’ve all got their own unique texture. This all together creates on elegant pattern.
Beata Heuman
It’s something that can feel elegant, luxurious and laid-back at the same time. Depending on the chosen colour.
Things you must know before decorating with grasscloth.
We are the biggest fans of grasscloth but there are some thing that you need to consider before decorating with it. First of all it’s not cleanable like may other so stains can’t be removed.

If you are looking for a cut clean look, grasscloth might not be it for your since it can never be placed seamless. 
When it comes to the installation, not every professional is able to apply it. So search for someone with experience.

Why is grasscloth so expensive ?
The traditional way of making grasscloth wallpaper is a highly skilled process.

It’s hand-made and takes a lot of time to produce. Unlike other “modern” wallpapers , it’s not manufactured on a rolling machine. Each sisal is handwoven by an artisan.

This justifies the price, you pay for an ancient craft. Every grasscloth wallpaper truly is a one of a kind piece of art.

Grasscloth shopping

Heidi Caillier design